1. Do not spend your energy in talking, but meditate in silence; and do not let the rush of the outside world disturb you. WHEN YOUR MIND IS IN THE HIGHEST STATE, YOU ARE UNCONSCIOUS OF IT. Accumulate power in silence and become a dynamo of spirituality.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
1. My old watchword----------------------struggle, struggle up to light! Onward!
Name And Fame
1. The highest men do not seek to get any name or fame from their knowledge.
2. Who cares for name? Off with it! If in the attempt to carry morsels of food to starving mouths, name and possession and all be doomed even------------------thrice blessed art thou!
1. It is better, far better, to die on the field of duty, preaching the truth, than to die like a worldly worm.
1. Love and ask nothing; love and look for nothing further.
2. Nobody ever got anything by begging.
3. Ask nothing; want nothing in return. Give what you have to give; it will come back to you----------------but do not think of that now. It will come back multiplied----------------a thousand fold. But the attention must not be on that. You have the power to give and there it ends.
1. The Vedas cannot show you Brahman, you are That already; they can only help to take away the veil that hides the truth from our eyes. The first veil to vanish is ignorance, and when that is gone, sin goes, next desire ceases, selfishness ends and all misery disappears. This cessation of ignorance can only come when I know that God and I are one; in other words, identify yourself with Atman, not with human limitations. Disidentify yourself with the body and all will cease. This is the secret of healing. The universe is a case of hypnotization; dehypnotize yourself and cease to suffer.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Check List
1. Man is divine.
2. We point everything with ourselves.
3. Every idea that strengthens you must be taken up and every thought that weakens you must be rejected.
Important Check List
1. Complete self-surrender is the only way to spiritual illumination.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
1. All misery comes from fear, from unsatisfied desire.
2. And because that nature is selfless, it is strong and fearless; for only to selfishness comes fear.
3. Fear ceases, and then alone come perfect happiness and perfect love.
4. Even if you are at your last breath, be not afraid.
5. Be not afraid of anything. You will do marvelous work.
6. Be bold and fear not.
7. Love knows no fear.
8. Love banishes all fear.
9. Be a hero. Always say, “I have no fear”.
10. Be bold! My children should be brave, above all. Not the least compromise on any account. Preach the highest truths broadcast. Do not fear of loosing your respect or of causing unhappy friction. Rest assured that if you serve truth in spite of temptations to forsake it, you will attain a heavenly strength, in the face of which men will quail to speak before you things which you do not believe to be true. People would be convinced of what you would say to them, if you can strictly serve truth for fourteen years continuously, without swerving from it.
11. Never fear what will happen of you, depend on no one.
12. ……………No sincere worker passes out the field of activity without making himself known and catching at least a few rays of light…………..None will be able to resist truth and love and sincerity. Are you sincere? Unselfish even unto death? And loving? Then fear not, not even death………….Everything will come all right. Truth must triumph…………
13. Fearlessness is the test of truth. Unselfishness is the test of religion.
14. Infinite power will come unto you------------------never fear. Be pure, have faith; be obedient.
15. When you fear you are nobody.
16. Purest soul dispels ignorance, fear & weakness.
17. The moment you fear, you are nobody. It is fear that is the great cause of misery in the world. It is fear that is the greatest of all superstitions. It is fear that is the cause of our woes, and it is fearlessness that brings heaven even in a moment. Therefore ‘Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached’.
18. IT IS FEAR ALONE THAT IS DEATH. You have to go beyond all fear. So from this day, be fearless. Off at once, to lay down your life for your own liberation and for the good of others. What good is it carrying along a load of bones and flesh!
19. If you are really my children, you will fear nothing, stop at nothing. You will be like lions.
20. Do not for a moment quail. Everything will come all right. It is will that moves the world.
21. Be bold and fearless and the road will be clear.
22. In unhappiness, sorrow, death, and desolation, the Mother’s child shall always remain fearless.
23. Never fear what will happen of you, depend on no one.
24. “The earth is enjoyed by heroes”—this is the unfailing truth. Be a hero. Always say, “I have no fear.”
25. As long as we believe ourselves to be even the least different from God, fear remains with us; but when we know ourselves to be the One, fear goes; of what can we be afraid?
26. Be a hero. Always say, “I have no fear.” Tell this to everyone—“Have no fear.”
27. Be not afraid, for all great power throughout the history of humanity has been with the people. From out of their ranks have come all the greatest geniuses of the world, and history can only repeat itself. Be not afraid of anything. You will do marvelous work.
28. Fear is death, fear is sin, fear is hell, fear is unrighteousness, fear is wrong life. All the negative thoughts and ideas that are in the world have proceeded from this evil spirit of fear.
29. You have to go beyond all fear.----
30. Infinite power will come unto you----------------never fear. Be pure, have faith; be obedient.
31. Fear ceases, and then alone come perfect happiness and perfect love.
32. The moment you fear, you are nobody. It is fear that is the great cause of misery in the world. It is fear that is the greatest of all superstitions. It is fear that is the cause of our woes, and it is fearlessness that brings heaven even in a moment. Therefore ‘Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached’.